The Panhellenic Aqueous

Studio 2A formally named “In the Round” instructed by Marc Erikson was an in depth analysis of understanding orthographic projections derived using the Pantheon as a precedent. We then used this data to create a new form that became an aquatic center in Los Angeles.


Case Study: The Pantheon 

The main focus of this case study is to identify the moments of symmetry in our precedents. The Pantheon was a very unique case as it contained a spherical symmetry, where the structure doesn't only create one line of vertical symmetry, the interior main space is the perfect circumference to hold a dome. From this we were to generate diagrams with the form of the precedent.

Orthographic Projection of the Patheon


Plan and Section Projected

Section of Hellenic Aqueous

Plan of Hellenic Aqueous

1st Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan

3rd Floor Plan

4th Floor Plan